Friday, October 17, 2008

Sorry I'm such a slacker!!

I can't believe it's been almost a whole month since my last post! So sorry!!! I can't help but wonder if everyone I told about my blog quit checking it by now...can't say that I'd blame them! :o)

Well, things are going really well here at the Bader household. Anthony has been getting deliveries that have been keeping us afloat. He's surprisingly upbeat for how slow work has been this month. I feel like that's a total answer to prayers for peace and encouragement that I've been praying for him. This rough economy has hit his line of work really hard but he's still got his chin up and a handsome smile on his face. :o)

Alena is LOVING Kindergarten. To give you a very current example of just how much she loves her was her last day of class for 9 days (there's no school next week due to parent/teacher conferences) and she came out of school crying...and cried the whole way home I might add...because she's going to miss Mrs. Green SOOOO much. :o) I personally, see that as a good thing! It shows that she's really enjoying Kindergarten and she adores her teacher. What more could a mom ask for out of her child's school experience?! It's amazing to see how well Alena is doing on learning how to read. She loves to look through books and try to read as many words as she can. I'm so incredibly proud of her!!! I've been loving working in her class every Thursday morning. I've greatly enjoyed seeing her succeed and being able to get to know her teacher and classmates has been a real blessing. We actually just finally scheduled our first playdate with one of her classmates! If you ask Alena what her favorite part of Kindergarten is, without having to think it over, she'll immediately answer, "RECESS!" :o) That's my girl! :o) She's gotten to be quite proficient on the monkey bars, hula hoops and jump ropes. I get to go out to recess most of the time when I'm there on Thursday mornings and she gets so excited to show me how talented she is at all these new hobbies of hers.

Tirus is as wonderful as ever. He's okay with Alena going to school every day but his favorite time of the week is Friday and Saturday nights because those are the only nights of the week that Mommy and Daddy let him sleep on the floor under Alena's loft bed in her room. :o) Or if the kids are really good, Daddy will build them a fort in the living room and they get to sleep in that on those non-school-nights. Tirus lives for those such nights. :o) Every night, without fail, he asks, "Mommy, does Nina have school tomorrow?" He gets very sad if the answer is yes but he jumps for joy on the seemingly rare occassions we get to say that no, in fact, she does NOT have school the next morning. :o)

I'm doing pretty good as well. I've been enjoying playing a TON of ping pong with Anthony and I'm incredibly excited about my two upcoming travel opportunities. This Sunday, Anthony, the kids and I are going on a little road trip down to Oregon to visit some old friends, Able and Abbe, we haven't seen in about 2 years. It sounds like we'll even be able to go to a really fun pumpkin patch while we're down there. I'm really looking forward to getting to know Able and Abbe's 2 little kids that are 2 1/2 and 4 years old. The 4 of our kids should have a blast getting to know each other. :o) And of course I'm definitely looking forward to hanging out and catching up with Able and Abbe. They are amazing people and I'm just sad we don't get to see them more often! So, I said I have two upcoming travel opportunities...the very next weekend after we go visit Able and Abbe, I get to fly down to Tucson, Arizona with my mom and brother, Danny, to visit my other brother, Scott. I've never been to Arizona so I'm excited about that new experience but much more importantly I'm excited to see my brother whom I'm haven't seen in about 6 or 8 months! And it'll be great to spend some time with my mom and brothers. We figured out that it's been about 13 or 14 years since just the 4 of us went on vacation together. I'm SO excited!!!!! And I must admit I'm just kinda sorta looking forward to having 3 1/2 days of no responsibility. :o) I'll definitely miss my hubby and kids but it'll be nice to get away and recharge, know what I mean?

Well, I guess that's enough rambling for one day. I hope the Lord is blessing you with good health and lots of time with your loved ones. -Laura

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