We're only 2 weeks into the school year and already Alena has brought home some nasty germs and I've been infected. I've never had a dumb cold hit me so hard. Usually I get a stuffy nose and a cough and I deal with it...not this time...I've been completely wiped out. I can't get through the day without a nap and at least 9 hours of sleep at night. Even then it's questionable as to whether or not I'll survive from day to day. Alright, enough belly aching.
I got to volunteer in Alena's classroom for the first time yesterday and it was really cool! I loved watching Alena interact with her new friends and it was really nice to see for myself that she's doing so well academically. I sat at her table with 3 other little kids and there is such a wide range of abilities...I don't know how Mrs. Green does it! I mean, in one miniature chair sits a little boy who can't write really any of his letters, has no interest in trying to learn them and can't seem to do any detailed drawings at all. Then in another miniature chair sits my little girl who knows all her letters, is sounding out words to write them herself and is also drawing (and labeling) detailed drawings of her looking at a giraffe (she spelled it jraf...how cute is that?!?!) at the zoo with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jody. Like I said, it's really exciting to see Alena doing so well but it's also sad seeing someone else's child struggling so bad. I greatly admire Mrs. Green - and all Kindergarten teachers for that matter - for their patience and ability to meet the needs of each and every one of those kids.
This evening, our 4 wonderful nephews are staying the night at our house. My kids LOVE their cousins! And the boys are such good kids...I never have issues with them. If we do have issues while they're here it's always started by my kids! :o) So, yes, right now I have 6 kids, ranging in age from 2 years to 6 years old, sitting in my living room having a movie night. And I must say, they are 6 of the best kids God ever made! :o) I'm sure it makes no sense at all but it's actually way easier to have 6 kids than 2. I know, it sounds crazy but they entertain each other so well, I can actually get more done around the house and there's less arguing. I gotta say, I absolutely LOVE having my brother's boys over to my house whether it's for a couple hours or overnight.
Until next time...may our Heavenly Father keep you and protect you from all those nasty germs your kids bring home to you on a daily basis...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Adjusting to a New Schedule
Well, we're half way through our first full week of Kindergarten and everyone's having fun! :o) Alena loves going to school every day. Every evening she asks, "Mommy, do I get to go to school tomorrow?" When I say yes her little face lights up with that gorgeous little smile of hers and she squeals with delight. :o) Oh, to be 5 again... When I picked Alena up from school on Monday she walked over to me with her head down, shoulders slumped and I was thinking "What could possibly be wrong? It's only the 2nd day of school for Heaven's sake!!" She informed me, "I didn't get the Super Bee today Mom." So, I asked what you're all thinking..."What's a Super Bee Sweetheart?" I guess Mrs. Green has these little stuffed animals dressed up as bees that she hands out to kids that are having "Super Bee-havior" in class that day (they're actually really cute!). The child gets to bring the little toy home for the night and then returns it the next day so the bee can go home with someone else each night. Well, Alena thought she had done a good job in class and deserved this little prize. We had a long talk that night about how we need to be good in class because it's the right thing to do, not because we're trying to earn a prize...and I told her I was sure she'd get a chance to have the Super Bee sooner or later...and man, did I hope I was right!! :o) Well, Tuesday I went to pick her up from school and she came running to me as fast as she could with the biggest grin I've ever seen on her face. I couldn't help but laugh as I asked, "You got a Super Bee, didn't ya?" She answered with an excited, "Yep!! I sure did Mom!! Wanna see it?!?!" She dug it out of her bag at lightening speed and even let Ty check it out for a minute. :o) The Super Bee was begrudgingly returned to Mrs. Green today and Alena's still getting over the disappointment of realizing she probably won't get the Super Bee again for quite sometime...not til after each kid in the class gets a turn. Well, it was fun while it lasted...
Tirus is adjusting well to the new schedule as well. Today was our first day back at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). At least once a week during summer break, Tirus would ask me, "Mommy, do I get to go to BSF today?" When I'd say no he'd say, "It's taking too long to go to BSF!" Yesterday I shared the exciting news that today we were going to go to BSF and so this morning when I walked out of my room I was greeted with the biggest smile as he said, "Mommy!!! We're going to BSF today!!!" He was bouncing off the walls, he was so excited! :o) He met his new teachers and played with a few familiar friends that attend our regular church along with some new friends as well. He thoroughly enjoyed himself and I'm sure I'll now be asked EVERY day, "Mommy, do I get to go to BSF today?" :o) Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining that my little boy LOVES to go to Bible Study! :o) On another note, tonight as I was putting Tirus to bed, I was asking him random questions. It's alway fun to see what they'll say next. I asked him who his hero is and, without hesitation, he said "Daddy." I asked him what he loves about his Dad and he said, "He lets me beat him up." :o) Tirus sure does love to wrestle with Daddy!! And poor Daddy does get a monster beating too!!! That kid is quite the little ninja! :o)
I'm really looking forward to this year of BSF. We're studying "The Life of Moses". Besides Jesus Himself, I can't think of a more facinating person to study from the Bible. Can you? I'm also starting to study a new book with a couple of my girlfriends. It's called "Sheperding a Child's Heart". I've heard it's an amazing parenting book and I can't wait to get started!! Between the two studies I'm starting, the 2 mornings a week I watch my BFF's little girl and also volunteering in Alena's classroom one morning a week...I think I should be able to find a way to keep busy, what do you think? :o) I'm actually REALLY looking forward to each and every weekly commitment I've got on my calendar right now. It's not too often a person can say that! I'm very blessed, that's for sure!!
Tirus is adjusting well to the new schedule as well. Today was our first day back at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). At least once a week during summer break, Tirus would ask me, "Mommy, do I get to go to BSF today?" When I'd say no he'd say, "It's taking too long to go to BSF!" Yesterday I shared the exciting news that today we were going to go to BSF and so this morning when I walked out of my room I was greeted with the biggest smile as he said, "Mommy!!! We're going to BSF today!!!" He was bouncing off the walls, he was so excited! :o) He met his new teachers and played with a few familiar friends that attend our regular church along with some new friends as well. He thoroughly enjoyed himself and I'm sure I'll now be asked EVERY day, "Mommy, do I get to go to BSF today?" :o) Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining that my little boy LOVES to go to Bible Study! :o) On another note, tonight as I was putting Tirus to bed, I was asking him random questions. It's alway fun to see what they'll say next. I asked him who his hero is and, without hesitation, he said "Daddy." I asked him what he loves about his Dad and he said, "He lets me beat him up." :o) Tirus sure does love to wrestle with Daddy!! And poor Daddy does get a monster beating too!!! That kid is quite the little ninja! :o)
I'm really looking forward to this year of BSF. We're studying "The Life of Moses". Besides Jesus Himself, I can't think of a more facinating person to study from the Bible. Can you? I'm also starting to study a new book with a couple of my girlfriends. It's called "Sheperding a Child's Heart". I've heard it's an amazing parenting book and I can't wait to get started!! Between the two studies I'm starting, the 2 mornings a week I watch my BFF's little girl and also volunteering in Alena's classroom one morning a week...I think I should be able to find a way to keep busy, what do you think? :o) I'm actually REALLY looking forward to each and every weekly commitment I've got on my calendar right now. It's not too often a person can say that! I'm very blessed, that's for sure!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
First Day of Kindergarten!!
That's right, today was the day!! Alena had her first day of kindergarten and she LOVED it!! She's just bummed she has to wait a couple days before she gets to go back! I'm really hoping that attitude towards school lasts through, at least, the next 13 years of her life!!! :o) I'm not holding my breath, just hoping. :o) I left Tirus and his best friend at home with Anthony while I drove Alena to school. On the way there, I told her that I wanted her to be sure to remember one classmates name and tell it to me when I picked her up. For some reason I always remember my mom telling me it's important to remember new friends' names...now I'm not even sure if she ever actually said such a thing, perhaps it's just a figment of my imagination. Anways, we got to the school quite early, I didn't want her to feel rushed or chaotic on this very exciting day. Okay, okay, I didn't want to feel rushed or chaotic on this very exciting day. :o) I walked her to class and helped her find where she was supposed to put her coat and backpack. Then we found where she was supposed to sit for the day, got her name tag on and took a couple pictures of my big Kindergartener. I told her to have a wonderful day, that I'm SO proud of her and I'd see her after school. She was completely fine with me leaving, not that I was surprised by that at all. She's always been a go-getter kinda gal. I mentioned that I was very proud of her, well, I was also very proud of myself because I didn't shed a single tear through the whole thing!! :o) I'm getting so grown up! :o)
While Alena was in school, Tirus got to play with his best little friend in the whole world so I don't think he missed his sister in the least. :o) I have always said though that I swear Tirus would have been completely happy as an only child. Not that he doesn't love his sister, he tells her quite frequently that he loves her (and I don't even prompt him to do it!!), he is just a million times more well-behaved when Alena's not here for him to pester. :o)
I got to Alena's school to pick her up at 11:30am with 2 little 3 year old's strapped in the back seat. I "knew" Alena got out of school at 11:40 but I wanted to be sure to be in the front of what I "knew" would be a long line of cars full of parents wanting to pick up their little cherubs. Well, come to find out, 1/2 day co-op kindergarten actually gets out at 11:50am and no other parents showed up until 11:48am. So, there we were...me and my 2 little bundles of energy, strapped in the van for 20 stinkin minutes, waiting...and waiting...and waiting for Alena to get out of school. :o) At 11:53am the doors FINALLY opened and Mrs. Green acknowledged me with a wave and sent Alena skipping over to the van. I told her I was so excited to hear all about it and all I could get out of her was that she got to play outside...recess...that's all she'd talk about!! :o) Can't say that I blame her, recess is the most exciting part of school but I was desperately wanting to hear every detail of her entire 2 1/2 hours at school and all she'd talk about was recess. She did remember a name of one of her classmates...Elizabeth...they sat next to each other in class and even played with the hula hoops together at recess. :o) Apparently, Elizabeth is quite the hula hooper. So, sorry I don't have any other juicy tidbits to share regarding Alena's first day at kindergarten. But the most important thing is that Alena had a blast and she can't wait to go back on Monday!
Here's a couple very sweet pictures of Alena on her big first day...

While Alena was in school, Tirus got to play with his best little friend in the whole world so I don't think he missed his sister in the least. :o) I have always said though that I swear Tirus would have been completely happy as an only child. Not that he doesn't love his sister, he tells her quite frequently that he loves her (and I don't even prompt him to do it!!), he is just a million times more well-behaved when Alena's not here for him to pester. :o)
I got to Alena's school to pick her up at 11:30am with 2 little 3 year old's strapped in the back seat. I "knew" Alena got out of school at 11:40 but I wanted to be sure to be in the front of what I "knew" would be a long line of cars full of parents wanting to pick up their little cherubs. Well, come to find out, 1/2 day co-op kindergarten actually gets out at 11:50am and no other parents showed up until 11:48am. So, there we were...me and my 2 little bundles of energy, strapped in the van for 20 stinkin minutes, waiting...and waiting...and waiting for Alena to get out of school. :o) At 11:53am the doors FINALLY opened and Mrs. Green acknowledged me with a wave and sent Alena skipping over to the van. I told her I was so excited to hear all about it and all I could get out of her was that she got to play outside...recess...that's all she'd talk about!! :o) Can't say that I blame her, recess is the most exciting part of school but I was desperately wanting to hear every detail of her entire 2 1/2 hours at school and all she'd talk about was recess. She did remember a name of one of her classmates...Elizabeth...they sat next to each other in class and even played with the hula hoops together at recess. :o) Apparently, Elizabeth is quite the hula hooper. So, sorry I don't have any other juicy tidbits to share regarding Alena's first day at kindergarten. But the most important thing is that Alena had a blast and she can't wait to go back on Monday!
Here's a couple very sweet pictures of Alena on her big first day...

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Last Day of Summer Break
So, today is the last day of summer break at the Bader household. I find that to be very bitter sweet. I'm so excited to see my little princess growing up to be such an amazing, brilliant little girl. On the other hand, though, I can't help but be sad to see her moving into a new, more independent stage of life.
I took Alena to her classroom today so she could sit down with her teacher, Mrs. Green, and take an assessment test. When I picked her up a half an hour later, Mrs. Green informed me that Alena is more than ready for Kindergarten. She can count to 109 (do ask me why it stops there) and she is starting to read and write 4 and 5 letter words. However, because we're talking about Kindergarten here, there will be kids in her class that don't even know all their letters yet. I was a little worried that Alena would maybe get bored since they'll be starting out with learning their letters but Mrs. Green told me that on the homework she sends home (can you BELIEVE there's homework in Kindergarten?!?!?) she will add some more challenging work for Alena to do on top of what they'll already be working on.
After the assessment test was complete, Alena and I came home and enjoyed some lunch together. She made her own ham and cheese sandwich. Again, it's amazing how independent she's getting!! :o) After lunch, Anthony, Alena, Tirus and I went to Kayak Point and enjoyed a little fishing. Anthony caught 5 or 6 little flounders, 1 bullhead and (oddly enough) 1 pretty good sized crab! :o) Anthony was out in the water a little bit while he was fishing and a crab walked right up to him with his pinchers out, ready for a fight! :o) Anthony gently kicked the crab up onto the beach so the kids could get a good look at it and they thought it was REALLY cool! Before leaving Kayak Point we, of course, had to make a stop at the playground they have there now and all 4 of us had a ton of fun clowning around on the teeter totter thing and the big spider web looking thing.
All in all, this has been a very fun family day...the most wonderful way I can think of to end summer break.
I took Alena to her classroom today so she could sit down with her teacher, Mrs. Green, and take an assessment test. When I picked her up a half an hour later, Mrs. Green informed me that Alena is more than ready for Kindergarten. She can count to 109 (do ask me why it stops there) and she is starting to read and write 4 and 5 letter words. However, because we're talking about Kindergarten here, there will be kids in her class that don't even know all their letters yet. I was a little worried that Alena would maybe get bored since they'll be starting out with learning their letters but Mrs. Green told me that on the homework she sends home (can you BELIEVE there's homework in Kindergarten?!?!?) she will add some more challenging work for Alena to do on top of what they'll already be working on.
After the assessment test was complete, Alena and I came home and enjoyed some lunch together. She made her own ham and cheese sandwich. Again, it's amazing how independent she's getting!! :o) After lunch, Anthony, Alena, Tirus and I went to Kayak Point and enjoyed a little fishing. Anthony caught 5 or 6 little flounders, 1 bullhead and (oddly enough) 1 pretty good sized crab! :o) Anthony was out in the water a little bit while he was fishing and a crab walked right up to him with his pinchers out, ready for a fight! :o) Anthony gently kicked the crab up onto the beach so the kids could get a good look at it and they thought it was REALLY cool! Before leaving Kayak Point we, of course, had to make a stop at the playground they have there now and all 4 of us had a ton of fun clowning around on the teeter totter thing and the big spider web looking thing.
All in all, this has been a very fun family day...the most wonderful way I can think of to end summer break.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Fine, I'll play your dumb game... :o)
A. Attached or single? Married to my best friend and the most handsome man I've ever met!!
B. Best friend? Obviously Anthony's #1. We're celebrating our 7th anniversary tomorrow!! :o) Coraly is my other best friend. She actually painted my toenails when I was laid up in ICU for 5 days and I didn't even have to ask her to! :o) I don't think God makes better friends than that!
C. Cake or pie? cake... but I'm a definite sucker for pretty much any baked goods...especially if they're accompanied by vanilla ice cream...mmm...
D Day of choice? Tuesday or Thursday cuz those are Anthony's days off...usually...
E. Essential item? My cell phone. I feel naked without it!
F. Favorite color? Pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? both are equally tasty but I heard a wise man say that chocolate covered gummy bears are to die for...I've got to try those some day SOON!
H. Hometown? Lake Stevens, WA
I. Indulgence? going out to eat (or just to coffee) with a loved one while my kids are well entertained at a friend's or family member's house.
J. January or July? July of course!! My birthday is on the 5th!
K. Kids? A beautiful 5 year old little girl and a ruggedly handsome 3 year old little boy (I'm not exactly sure what "ruggedly handsome" means, I've just always thought it sounded cool :o)
L. Life isn't complete without? My faith in my Savior Jesus Christ
M. Marriage date? September 2, 2001
N. Number of brothers and sisters? Oh boy, here we go...A 33 year old step brother, a 31 year old brother, a 29 year old brother, a 28 year old step sister and a 12 (almost 13) year old adopted sister...kinda sorry you asked, aren't ya?
O. Oranges or apples? Crisp Fuji apples
P. Phobias? Definitely sharks and I'm not crazy about snakes or spiders either
Q. Quotes? The perfect summation of parenthood: "The days are long but the years are short"
R. Reasons to smile? The sound of my kids laughing; the many "Friends" references that come to mind throughout any given day; beating my incredibly competitive husband at...really...anything
S. Season of choice? I've come to love them all but I think my favorite is winter. I am such a little kid when it comes to snow and I love snuggling my kiddos or my hubby to keep warm! :o) Although I also love summer, taking the kids to the beach, playing tennis with Anthony while the kids ride their bikes.
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? Being at a social gathering where I don't know a majority of the people really stresses me out.
V. Vegetable? Potatoes
W. Worst habits? procrastinating; getting grumpy with my kids way faster than I should
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultra sound, I had so many stinkin x-rays when my lung collapsed that I don't ever want to have another one for as long as I live!
Y. Your favorite food? my step-mom's enchiladas
Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer, I've never liked thinking of myself as cancerous though....
Tagging people:
Tina Lefebvre because it's fun to learn random little facts about friends!
Sorry I'm lame, I only know 3 people with blogs on blogspot and 2 of them have already posted this
B. Best friend? Obviously Anthony's #1. We're celebrating our 7th anniversary tomorrow!! :o) Coraly is my other best friend. She actually painted my toenails when I was laid up in ICU for 5 days and I didn't even have to ask her to! :o) I don't think God makes better friends than that!
C. Cake or pie? cake... but I'm a definite sucker for pretty much any baked goods...especially if they're accompanied by vanilla ice cream...mmm...
D Day of choice? Tuesday or Thursday cuz those are Anthony's days off...usually...
E. Essential item? My cell phone. I feel naked without it!
F. Favorite color? Pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? both are equally tasty but I heard a wise man say that chocolate covered gummy bears are to die for...I've got to try those some day SOON!
H. Hometown? Lake Stevens, WA
I. Indulgence? going out to eat (or just to coffee) with a loved one while my kids are well entertained at a friend's or family member's house.
J. January or July? July of course!! My birthday is on the 5th!
K. Kids? A beautiful 5 year old little girl and a ruggedly handsome 3 year old little boy (I'm not exactly sure what "ruggedly handsome" means, I've just always thought it sounded cool :o)
L. Life isn't complete without? My faith in my Savior Jesus Christ
M. Marriage date? September 2, 2001
N. Number of brothers and sisters? Oh boy, here we go...A 33 year old step brother, a 31 year old brother, a 29 year old brother, a 28 year old step sister and a 12 (almost 13) year old adopted sister...kinda sorry you asked, aren't ya?
O. Oranges or apples? Crisp Fuji apples
P. Phobias? Definitely sharks and I'm not crazy about snakes or spiders either
Q. Quotes? The perfect summation of parenthood: "The days are long but the years are short"
R. Reasons to smile? The sound of my kids laughing; the many "Friends" references that come to mind throughout any given day; beating my incredibly competitive husband at...really...anything
S. Season of choice? I've come to love them all but I think my favorite is winter. I am such a little kid when it comes to snow and I love snuggling my kiddos or my hubby to keep warm! :o) Although I also love summer, taking the kids to the beach, playing tennis with Anthony while the kids ride their bikes.
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? Being at a social gathering where I don't know a majority of the people really stresses me out.
V. Vegetable? Potatoes
W. Worst habits? procrastinating; getting grumpy with my kids way faster than I should
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultra sound, I had so many stinkin x-rays when my lung collapsed that I don't ever want to have another one for as long as I live!
Y. Your favorite food? my step-mom's enchiladas
Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer, I've never liked thinking of myself as cancerous though....
Tagging people:
Tina Lefebvre because it's fun to learn random little facts about friends!
Sorry I'm lame, I only know 3 people with blogs on blogspot and 2 of them have already posted this
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